ESL Group Provides services regarding DGFT, Customs, Subsidies & Loans all over India.
Scheme Overview:
Implementing Agency: Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying
Ineligibility: Purchase of Land Lease/Rent, Purchase of car for personal use, Office setting, etc.
Subsidy: 50% of Capital Subsidy (Back-Ended Subsidy)
Number of Instalments: Two equal instalments
First instalment released upfront to the bank. only after the Disbursement of the 1st instalment of the loan to the beneficiary by the Bank, confirmed By the State Implementing Agency.
Second instalment released after project completion, duly verified by the State Implementing Agency
Monitoring Authority: SIA Will Monitor for 2 years after completion of project with regards to its operation
Means of Finance: 50% Subsidy + Remaining 50% TL (Term Loan) / Own Money
For Self-Financing Projects:
1. Bank Guarantee Requirements
b. Quantum: Cost of Project – Cost of Subsidy
c. BG in the name of Dept of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries
d. Original BG to be kept in the safe custody of SIA
e. Copy of BG & a Declaration form need to be uploaded at the submission of the online application
2. Project Appraisal:
Project appraisal by the bank where the beneficiary/entity holds an account
A. Project Appraisal:
Rural Poultry Project: 50% capital subsidy, Maximum ₹25 lakhs
B. Eligibility Criteria for obtaining subsidy:
1. The applicant should have own land or lease land.
2. Relevant documents for KYC.
3. Sanctioned loan by the bank or self-financed projects require a bank guarantee from a scheduled bank along with project appraisal for validity by the bank.
C. Eligible Components:
Rural Poultry Farms (With minimum 1000 parent layers for production of Hatching Eggs and Chicks)
– For establishment “Parent Layer Farm”
1. Construction of shed
2. Electric Brooder
3. Chick Feeder
4. Chick Drinker
5. Adult Feeder
6. Adult Drinker
7. Cost of parent stock
– For establishment of Hatchery
Hatchery For Hatching 3000 Hatching Egg / Week to Get 2250 Day Old Chick (Doc)
1. Construction of Hatchery building
2. Incubator
3. Hatcher
4. Generator
– For Mother unit
Mother Unit for Brooding 2000 Chicks Up to 4 weeks
1. Construction of shed
2. Electric Brooder
3. Chicks Feeder
4. Chicks Drinker.